Sitecore Forms – transfer data between multipage

Sitecore Forms is a great tool to get your visitors to leave information that you can collect and further enhance their experience.

By Danny Paul van Iersel, 12-04-2024

Using conditions based on a previous page choice

Using a form with a multipage setup is a great way to setup a user journey and collect more information. With these steps a user could be asked for their personal information and in the next step more detailed information about what they might actually would like to request from you.

By default it is not possible to have conditions based on a previous page choice.

For example if we have a radio list on the first page and want to have a condition on the second page based on their choice given from that radio list.

For example we have a complaints form. In our radio list we ask the user what the complaint is about. The options will be:

  • Their Account
  • Error on website
  • General questions

In our second page we ask the user to provide additional information and want to enforce showing fields based on what they entered from our first page. If they have chosen account we want to ensure they are filling n their account number. If they have issues with the website we want them to provide a URL of the error. For last if they have a general question we want them to provide a description of their question.

Using conditions based on a previous page choice

By default it is not possible to have conditions based on a previous page choice.

For example if we have a radio list on the first page and want to have a condition on the second page based on their choice given from that radio list.

For example we have a complaints form. In our radio list we ask the user what the complaint is about. The options will be:

  • Their Account
  • Error on website
  • General questions

In our second page we ask the user to provide additional information and want to enforce showing fields based on what they entered from our first page. If they have chosen account we want to ensure they are filling n their account number. If they have issues with the website we want them to provide a URL of the error. For last if they have a general question we want them to provide a description of their question.


How to setup our Form

On the page we want to use the other page data, we create a hidden field. As default value we set a value that we can later check if our processor is working correctly. It will be replaced with the actual value but if the default value is shown we know our processor is not functioning as we want:

Setup a pipeline config with the following setting:

        <processor type="Feature.FormsProcessing.Pipelines.FormsPipeline.FormProcessorComplaints, Feature.FormsProcessing"
            patch:after="processor[@type='Sitecore.ExperienceForms.Mvc.Pipelines.GetModel.CreateModel, Sitecore.ExperienceForms.Mc']" 
            resolve="true" /> 

We then need to create our Form processor code:

public class FormProcessorComplaints : MvcPipelineProcessor<GetModelEventArgs>
    private readonly IFormRenderingContext formRenderingContext; 
    public FormProcessorComplaints(IFormRenderingContext renderingContext) 
        formRenderingContext = renderingContext; 
    public override void Process(GetModelEventArgs args) 
        // This token replacement is only valid on form fields that inherit from hiddenViewModel 
        if (!(args.Viewlodel is HiddenViewModel hiddenViewModel)) return; 
        ReplaceTokensIfApplicable(hiddenViewModel, fieldId); 
    protected virtual void ReplaceTokensIfApplicable (HiddenViewModel hiddenViewlodel, ID fieldId) 
        if (Sitecore.Context.Request.QueryString["sc_formmode"]!= null) 
            //form edit mode 
            if (fieldId == new ID(" (ID of the field we want to transfer)")) 
                // Get the value of the Complaints field 
                var textField _formRenderingContext.GetPostedField(fieldId) as ListViewModel; string selectedOption textField null ? string Empty " textField.Value.FirstOrDefault(); 
                if (!string.IsNull0rEmpty(selectedOption)) 
                    //Set token in hidden field for complaint 
                    if (hiddenViewModel. ItemId.ToLower()== "(ID of the HIDDEN field where we want to place our data in)". ToLower()) 
                        hiddenViewModel.Value = selectedOption;

Now what only rests for us to do is to setup the conditions on our page.

When adding a section we can then configure the following condition:



This is one way of achieving your goal to use data between multiple pages in a Sitecore form. We have received the questions multiple times and achieved this in our setup. With a small adjustment to your code you are able to create the flows that your require.

Are you having issues with your environment and achieving your goals? Contact us and we are happy to help you out or give our expertise on how you could solve your issues.

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