By Koen Heye, 20-05-2024
Earlier this month Sitecore released their new version of the traditional Sitecore DXP platform: Sitecore 10.4.
A long-awaited update since previous version had been around for over a year - 10.3 released in December 2022! And earlier speculations were that 10.4 would get released late 2023.
While Sitecore offers multiple CMS products, the focus for the past years were mainly around Sitecore XM Cloud. We are therefore happy to see continued support and engagement from Sitecore in developing Sitecore XP.
This allows customers to make a better choice regarding their CMS and DXP requirements. Whether it is for existing customers to upgrade their current XM/XP installation to the newer and longer supported Sitecore XP 10.4. Or to switch to the Sitecore XM Cloud offering for a fully SaaS solution.
This new product strategy is different than last years’ information. With the words from the newly appointed Sitecore CEO Dave O’Flanagan: “We are in this together for the long haul”. And Sitecore will continue its support for XM and XP.
4 changes really stand out:
Besides these 4 changes, another 200 small improvements to security and performance were included and easier integration with Sitecore CDP.
Interesting to know is that some features will be released as modules. And these don't require Sitecore 10.4 but would also be integratable into previous versions such as 10.2. Not all details are known yet, but updates are expected from Sitecore soon.
A few examples can be seen on this screenshot with a large focus on the Integration modules.
Other interesting developments included in this roadmap:
Sitecore’s commitment to XP excellence:
Sitecore overview of changes to 10.4:
Developer Sitecore 10.4 release notes and changes:
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